First marriage for women: First part

First marriage for women: First part
Ladies allow boys to feel like men.
Motto: Prove to everyone how good you are, don’t look around and don’t listen to anybody.
First marriage for women equals “Bach’s fugue”. What do the ladies choose? They choose a man that is different from “their father’s model”. The opposite of the father fulfills the three basic rules of the fugue: possession of resources, good talking when it’s needed and sometimes, sexual activity.

Allow me to expose 10 real reasons why marriage takes place.
1. A Romanian visa.
2. Sudden love and sex.
3. The wish to escape from home.
4. The belief that “he” is the one.
5. The share of beliefs.
6. Neighbors and family.
7. The wish to be listened to and seen.
8. Journeys. The honeymoon.
9. The increase of social stability.
10. Name change.

What do all ten points from above have in common? Loneliness, the wish to be listened to, being misunderstood and the wrong embodiment of the concept of family.

How many times have you heard the expression “you’ll get lost on the way”? Too many times. When this expression applies, you could not do it. I know, you feel aggrieved. Someone, that someone who took care of your education told you too many times “you’ll get lost on the way”. This way, you could not see the real truth and instead you built your own truth. The moment you met “him”, the same as you and the opposite of your father, you thought that the best you could do for yourself is to marry him.

Advice: in order to marry someone, test living with him without signing the papers. Marriage is the closest primary form of failure and loneliness. How to marry someone you don’t know? Maybe you don’t like the way he brushes his teeth or the way he chews or farts. I’ve seen divorces happen from less than that.

Being attracted to the first one who smiles to you
I married out of love. Wrong. You married to escape home, you married because you felt alone, you married to prove to everyone that you are no longer small and insignificant. When you hear someone making this affirmation: “I married out of love”, look into their eyes. They’ll be half closed and there will be no light in them. This means they realized their mistake.

This article was translated by PSIHOLOG | VALENTINA CEAUCĂ

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