Toti cei din jurul tau, colegi, familie, prieteni, cauta sa obtina ceva de la tine.
O perioada simti ca esti de folos. Te simti util.
La un moment dat colegii care erau neutri, devin antipatici, membrii familiei devin iritanti, iar de prieteni nu mai ai timp.
Ce se intampla?
Atunci cand oamenii au cerut ceva de la tine si au si obtinut, pe langa banalul multumesc ti-au lasat si o parte din problemele lor. Tu i-ai ascultat, ai inteles si ai tinut minte grijile lor, si in acest fel te-ai incarcat karmic. Dupa prea multi prieteni ajutati si membri ai familiei multumiti, mintea ta refuza sa mai participe activ la disensiune. Ii blochezi pe toti cei ce te-au incarcat karmic, te refugiezi in rutina si te anulezi ca om.
Dl Profesor Mihai Anitei spunea asa intr-un interviu pentru „Românul modern este epuizat psihic“. Oamenii sunt tentaţi să creadă în minuni. Iar daca ascultam si ce spune Gogol “Omul este înțelept, deștept și priceput în tot ce-i privește pe alții, dar nu pe sine”, atunci intelegem cat de mult gresim in abordarea noastra fata de toti cei din jur.
Nu cei din jur te ajuta, tu te ajuti, invatand si facand ceva nou sau repetand acelasi lucru, dar din ce in ce mai bine, pana la perfectiune, in fiecare zi.
Cristian Stan scria prin 2011: Oamenii nefericiți nu au nevoie să fie salvați; se vor salva singuri sau vor cere ajutor atunci când este cazul. Cristian, da asa este vor cere ajutorul, cand o sa fie prea tarziu si o alta persoana va fi infestata de ei si de nemarginita lor nefericire creata artificial. Creierul saboteaza, nefericirea se instaoreaza.
Iar tu ascultatorule trebuie sa intelegi cateva lucruri, intelegandu-le si aplicandu-le, viata chiar o sa-ti apartina.
1. Niciodata sa nu te agati de trecut, trebuie sa traiesti pentru ziua de maine si cele ce vor urma.
2. Depinde exclusiv de tine ce rezultate ai.
3. Nu incerca din prima sa treci drept perfectionist. In fiecare zi alege sa faci ceva nou sau sa repeti lucrul pentru care esti platit.
4. Nu ceilalti sunt devina, pentru necazurile tale. Tu esti devina fiindca tu le-ai creat si tot tu le-ai alimentat.
5. Creierul este cel ce te saboteaza. Incercand sa omori gandurile negre constati ca devin mai puternice. Inlocuieste gandurile rele cu cromoterapia si cristaloterapia.
6. Accepta existenta Corpului emotional, mental, energetic si fizic ca un tot unitar.
7. Schimbarea de constiinta poate interveni doar cand devenim constienti de noi insine. Asa ca ar fi bine pentru tine, viata si rezultatele tale sa devi mai repede constient de ceea ce iti face rau si sa elimini raul.
8. Stiind ca nici o societate nu doreste oameni liberi in spirit si in fapt, pentru ca ar fi o piedica impotriva intereselor pe care este cladita societatea, incearca sa privesti din perspectiva proprie tot ce te inconjoara.
9.Conform legii universale a cauzei si a efectului (sau Legea bumerangului) esti ceea ce gandesti! Gandurile, cuvintele, faptele din trecut au creeat prezentul tau. Alegand sa minti, spunand: totul este bine in lumea si in viata mea, alegi sa fi nefericit.
10. Simplifica-ti viata inconjurandu-te doar de oameni care iti plac. Renunta la atasamente inutile si fii creativ.
Eu cred ca primul pas spre o viata implinita, plina de fericire si succes, este sa fii in armonie cu tine insuti. Nu mai asculta problemele celor din jurul tau, daca nu esti capabil sa te diferentiezi de ele.
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Tags: constiinta,corpul emotional,corpul mental,corpul energetic,corpul fizic,oameni liberi, legea universala,oameni care iti plac,Schimbarea de constiinta,Creierul te saboteaza,nefericire
Credit FOTO: Sorin Badea
A change of consciousness
Everyone around you, colleagues, family, friends, is trying to get something from you.
For a while you can feel useful. At some point though, your colleagues become unlikeable, your family members become annoying and you no longer have time for your friends.
What is happening?
When people ask something from you and they get it, besides the everyday “thank you”, they leave you with a part of their problems. You listened to them, you understood them and you remembered their worries. This way, you burdened your karma. After helping too many friends and too many relatives, your mind refuses to actively participate in the dissension. You block those who burdened your karma, you retreat in the routine and you cancel yourself as a human being.
The professor Mihai Aniței said in an interview for “The modern day Romanian is mentally exhausted”. People are tempted to believe in wonders. If we listen to what Gogol was saying, “man is wise, smart and capable in everything that concerns the others but not himself”, we can understand how wrong we are in approaching those around us.
It’s not those who surround you that can help you. You can help yourself by learning, by doing something new or rehearsing every day until you reach perfection.
Cristian Stan was saying in 2011: unhappy people don’t need salvation; they will save themselves or will ask for help when needed. Yes, it’s true. They will ask for help when it will be too late and another person will be infested with their unhappiness. The brain sabotages, the unhappiness settles in.
And you must understand some things. By applying them, your life will truly belong to you:
1. Never hang on to the past. You must live for tomorrow and the days that follow.
2. The results you gain depend exclusively on you.
3. Don’t try to look like a perfectionist from the start. Do something new every day or repeat the thing you’re paid to do.
4. The people around you are not responsible for your troubles. You are responsible for creating them and for nurturing them.
5. The brain sabotages you. By trying to eliminate negative thoughts, you realize they become even stronger. Replace negative thoughts with chromotherapy and crystal healing.
6. Accept the existence of the emotional, mental, energetic and physical body as a whole.
7. A change of consciousness can only occur if we become aware of ourselves. The best you can do for your life and your results is to become aware of the things that harm you and eliminate them.
8. Given the fact that no society wants free-spirited people because they would be an obstacle against the interests on which that society is based, try to look at everything around you from your own perspective.
9. According to the universal law of cause and effect (The Boomerang Law), you are what you think. Your past thoughts, words and facts have created your present. By choosing to lie, by saying “all is good in my world and life”, you choose unhappiness.
10. Ease your life by surrounding yourself with people you like. Give up useless attachments and be creative.
I believe the first step towards an accomplished life, full of happiness and success is to be in harmony with yourself. Don’t listen to the problems of those around you if you are not capable of keeping a distance from them.
Traducere: Valentina Ceauca
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